Intenze GEN-Z lemon yellow


Color Your World With INTENZE Tattoo Ink.

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Produktnummer: INK-INT-genz-lemonyellow Kategori: Stikkord: , , ,


Color Your World With INTENZE Tattoo Ink

Our tattoo ink is and has proven over the years to be the brightest, highest-performing, and safest of tattoo inks in the world. We’ve poured hundreds of years of the tattooing tradition — from Europe and the Americas, Japan, China, Samoa, and many other cultures with a rich history in tattoo art — along with our own knowledge, experience and wisdom as artists ourselves into the soul and science of our ink.

That’s why we’re known for our irresistible consistency, our passion for providing a safe and vegan friendly product that works under the worst conditions as well as the best. It is of utmost importance that the creating tattoo artist can focus on his art and not let the tools disrupt his creative flow by not performing to the best. With over 250 different shades of colors now on the market, INTENZE began as and continues to be the leading tattoo ink manufacturer worldwide.